The Patriarch's Christmas 2012

We have a second Christmas in our family. We celebrate with extended family in January around "The Patriarch" aka my stepfather. 
Grandpa getting some morning snuggles from Little bit

Grandpa and his girls. I just saw these girls six months ago. Now they are young women. Stop growing, stop I tell you. You are not allowed to get any taller or more beautiful.

Grandpa having his morning coffee and the tree that later became the bonfire.

The Pit were we burned the very dry Christmas tree. I think this is the real reason we get together, just so we can burn something. We are a bunch of pyro's.

Our sleeping quarters.  Florida in January.

Outside Florida Christmas  gift exchange

Grandpa opening presents.

Pops and Son

Dad and three of his boys. We miss you Fly Boy. Fly Boy is in Vegas with his Family.

Now this is funny. They suggested my Military Man step in for the one son that is missing. So my sister in law was not gonna be left out. That is her Jumping up to make sure she is counted too. I love her. She is so silly.

Begin the cutting of the tree for the bon fire. This brother loves his power tools.

My sister in law, her mama and her Abuela.
 And another tent in the background. We have a regular compound.

We were also celebrating someones birthday. He turned 11.

My SIL and My nephew.

Sometimes I give up the camera to get in front of it. If you didn't remember this brother is the Russian Spy.

I love this crazy family of mine. This is Girl Schmuck signing off.

1 comment:

  1. How cool is that... looks like loads of fun!

    We'd be able to do that in January over here also (admittedly - it's the middle of 'summer', not winter here)! But this year all January has done is to leak water from the sky; been one sad summer!
