More vacation pictures

I love the outdoors. I love the smell of leaves on the ground. What is it about northerns raking up and bagging leaves in the fall? Just leave there, the grass is gonna die anyways.  Then in the spring time, mow them over and create a good mulch. Anyhow, I love the natural outdoors. If I could I wouldn't have grass, but lots of trees, and leaves and bushes all over the property. If I could I would have a front and back yard that looked like this:

This is Meeks Park in Blairsville Ga. They have an additional 30 acres of trails and hiking. It was wonderful to hike all around and be the only ones out there.

Every so often they provided these little benches for you to rest if you were so tired you needed a rest or if you just wanted to sit and watch the leaves fall.

This is the River that runs through it. Its a pretty little creek. Very shallow, and it the summer it was full of kids splashing around and skipping rocks.

This is at Amicola State Park along the stream. We are sitting in the shade because after the sun came out we got too warm with our jackets and long pants.

I have not a clue as to what my son is doing here. This is a giant Sycamore tree at the river.  They love water and the Russian Spy and I as kids use to swing from a rope that was tied to a very high limb of a giant Sycamore and drop into the Callisaja river.

Look at the size of this Oak tree.  We were floored at the size of this tree. It must have been 80 ft high in the sky too. So Military man had to wrap his arms around the base to give you an idea of just how big it is.

Pretty mountain wild flowers that grow on the side of the path we walked up to see the waterfall.
This is Girl Schmuck signing off.

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