Digital Grill

GOD is soooo good. Yes, God. This is a picture of my new grill. The one that papa and the Russian Spy, KGB gave us five years ago for Christmas completely rusted away in my hands yesterday as I tried to clean it. We have been very careful with money. We are tithing. We are on the Dave Ramsey plan.

Today I walked into Home Depo and Military Man happen to call just as I was putting plants in my cart. He said, go over to the grills and do some looking around. I was in the garden section and they had in the back all the floor models that were on sale. This is a grill I would not purchase for full price because its extravagant, way over the top, just for snobs, kinda grill. So I guess God has decided to spoil us again. I got this grill at not half price, but at one third the original price. Thank you God, you are so good too us. Its a digital top of the line grill. Below are two different links to you tube to watch the cool things this grill can do. OMG, its going to make my brothers, uncles, nephews, cousins, dads and any other grill man so envious. This grill can bake cobblers on one side and cook your steak perfect with a built in meat probe on the other side. When the grill cooks the steaks to the perfect tempature, it turns itself down. How cool is that? Oven? what oven? I am so not cooking for the entire summer. Seriously, my husband is going to be the envy of the neighborhood for a few months. hee hee. And I am going to be a spoiled wife.. yum. Now I am going to pull out all the stops and make my man cook all kinds of crazy things on this grill. Shrimp, chicken, steak, pork and pork chops, fish, veggies, dessert and I might even order some buffalo and ostrich to just say that I have tried it. Ohh, Duck, I love peking duck. Heck, the kids might even get grilled chicken nuggets. Ok, this is Girl Schmuck signing off.

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