It's been nearly a year, but I am here. God got ahold of me and changed a big thing in our lives. Homeschooling. The year started off really tough for my fourth grader. I met with the teacher, the guidance counselor and the principal. I didn't know it at the time but God had his hand upon me and was calling me into homeschooling. I fought it for nine weeks and gave in. I struggled with picking up the pieces and trying to find a fit for our family. God is faithful. He placed great people around me. I was involved in a bible study that spoke to my heart and to the situation. I was surrounded with other strong homeschooling parents who offered encouragement and helpful ideas. We got involved in a co-op group and life balanced out after a few rough spots. This past May I attended the Florida Parent Education Association Homeschool Convention in Kissimmee Florida. There I found lots of great ideas, teachers, helps, workbooks, support and fun. Too much to put all in one post. I have discovered for me that homeschooling is a calling. I am called by God to homeschool my kids. I know this through prayer and being able to understand that I am not able but He is able. I can do all things through Him.
Whats next? I have to take one year at a time. I am willing to do whatever God calls me to do. I am prepared to teach all I can to my children and go above and beyond what the state and public school can not do for my children. I am learning too. My kids are happy. My kids love to learn and are not afraid to go to school anymore. My children retain so much of what they read and hear. As their mother I want to best for them right now. Right now that means homeschooling.
How did you decide to homeschool? What was your experience? Do you find yourself wishing you could homeschool but think you can't? Do you love the school your child is attending? Summer is here and I find myself wanting to write on the blog. I look forward to spending some more time getting back involved in the blogging world. One of the reasons I started this blog to begin with was to leave it for my kids and grandkids eventually. I journal daily with God but this blog is written with my children in mind. One day I won't be here, however they will have this cool little piece to vist, reliving some of the moments I remember.
This is Girl Schmuck signing off
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