Abandonment is not allowed

Greetings again from the heart of Girl Schmuck. I had lost interest for awhile because I sorta got lost. That happens to many of us who have ADD issues.  Its been about a year since I posted last. I was considering abandoning this blog and starting a new one. However, I happen to love the name of this blog and I can't think up a better name. This morning I thought I might write about chickens, but decided not to just yet. Then I thought I would write about canning, and again decided not to just yet. I thought about writing to God, but that's sorta personal. I have a new espresso maker.. oh boy will you ever be able to tell when I have had too many of those. I decide to tell you where I have been and what I have been up to for the past year.
I am married to the love of my life, Military Man. I have two amazing kids, Diesel Boy and My Girl who I loving referred to in the past as Stinker Belle. She is a little me. So maybe we call her Baby Girl Schmuck or Twinkle Toes because she loves to dance, or my preference- Meme?  You can leave me a message and let me know your preference.  We have decided to change attendance to a different church. It was a very hard move for us but its so much closer and now that we have been there for about two months its starting to fit better for Military Man and I. The kids jumped right in with no problem.
Living out of the city limits has its benefits and its challenges. I love owning an acre of land and sometimes wish we had 5 acres.  Our home was built in 1977, and with owning an older home, there are maintenance issues that come up. That is mainly the big thing we have been working on.  The alien, and I call him that because if he was from earth he would have a brain. The alien that build our house did not have a brain, and maybe we don't either since we bought the house. Anyways, we have a basement and a cellar in Central Florida.  So this past year, Tropical Storm Debbie sat on top of us for two days and dumped 12 inches of rain on us. We flooded. The end.
To make sure this doesn't happen again, the engineering Military Man has a plan. This plan involves removing all the trees that were planted against the house, one growing at a 90 degree angle under the corner of the house.
The other big thing that has been sucking up my time is third grade. When did third grade get so involved and complicated? When they introduced the F-CAT in Florida. But, let's leave that discussion for another day after a few espresso's.  We had to rebuild my garden wall which I did post pictures of last year. That project is back on the list of moving electric lines, stuccoing the wall and backfilling with dirt.
I have learned to save some money with coupons but again that is a big time sucker and there are enough posts out there about coupons that I don't need to spout anymore. A couple of years ago I started eating low carb because my blood sugar and other numbers were way out of control. I have good news. I have kept off the weight for the most part and I am still eating lower carb. I have a check up this week and look forward to pretty good news. I have gained about 5 pounds since Christmas and now Easter is teasing me with all the chocolate.  Preparing and having low carb food on hand and on stock is very time consuming and a lot of it is planning, planning, planning. 
Volunteer work at the kids school is a big committment but one I am proud of. I try to volunteer at least once a week in the library or a classroom to work with kids.
I got my first smart phone. I can't figure out how to do all the stuff it can do. I have a problem with the keypad on the phone, while I talk, my cheeks hit the mute button or the off button and I continue to disconnect with people I am trying to talk to. The smart phone really makes me feel like a dummy.

I leave you with a phone my girl took with my camera. She did a really good job. Thanks for reading and leave me a post and let me know if your still reading.

1 comment:

  1. Still reading... lovely to 'see' you again!

    Two kids consume me, so I don't get on much these days - but be assured, I will always get around to reading your posts eventually!
