Shell and Flora in Florida

I want you to met Southeastern Guide Dogs in Florida. Well .....ok really I want you to meet my newest pals, Shell and Flora.  Flora is about two years old. She is a dog training with her new owner Shell. Shell is my buddy on Christian Journaling Group. This is the first time we have been able to meet.  Shell and Flora took a break from training to have lunch and talk with me. Shell lives in Washington. She has been here before with a previous dog. I agreed to drive down and bring lunch with me. We ordered sunshine and blue skies and got exactly that. We ate chicken salad and fresh Plant City strawberries. It's strawberry season in Florida.  Poor Flora was not permitted to have anything with us. One of the rules for me as a visitor; I was not permitted to play, pet, touch the dog and get her all excited. And guess what.. I was good. Yes I was a good girl. I wanted to baby talk to her and play with her.. but I was a good girl. ha ha

 I didn't ask why, but while Shell has a visitor, she could not put Flora on harness. Flora was being very good and ignoring me. She is suppose to. I even asked her to look at the camera (the dog, not Shell) and she wouldn't. I think it had to do with how good she felt sitting next to her mama in the sunshine.

I wanted to lean over and rub her belly and tell her she was such a good baby. (Again, the dog not my friend Shell)

Here are Shell and Flora sitting together on our make shift picnic. We just started losing the sun behind a tree.  Highs today are a 80.  Just to clarify... What is the high in Washington today?

Shell had placed the harness on Flora but was using a lead while I was there. That is my no sew Tigger blanket we sat on. I took off my socks and shoes. Behind us was a lovely water fountain we listened to.

Just inside the door of each  dorm room is the place for the dogs to rest. They are kept on a lead  attached to the hook on the wall so they can't just wander down the hall I guess. And I suppose if the dog got up and laid next to the bed and the person tripped over them, that might be a bad thing??

This is Floras brother. I will call him "J" as I don't know yet if I am allowed to release his name. He was so wanting to come out and play with me.  He told me so. I broke the rules and talked to him in baby talk and how could I not? He has the biggest golden/brown eyes identical to his sister across the hall.
I wish I brought a tennis ball. I would have taken this guy outside and let him run. I am such a pushover when it comes to dogs.

Shell's room.  
 Well one corner of her room. She has a private room and bathroom with a flat screen tv and a big bed. A small refrigerator is on the other side of the bed. Not too shabby I would say.

The day room where it's fun to just hang out.

Me, Shell and Flora

Can you believe the dogs are not allowed on the furniture there?
I would be Soooo fired as a trainer.

Thank you to Southeastern Guidedogs for allowing me on campus.
This is Girl Schmuck signing off.


  1. Looks like such a fun day! I am a big pushover with dogs too. I just love to play with them!

  2. You are such a wonderful person. You know that dogs are people too. :) I knew when you got that camera we, your friends, would become a part of your journaling experience. We get to see what you see. Thanks for sharing.
