School will start soon, and so will I

Another couple of weeks and school starts again. Until then I can only hope you understand that as busy moms and friends you know how much fun summer can be. We just returned from our mountain holiday and I have pictures and stories to share with you. Friends of mine are having babies and I have baby gifts and notes to send out. Kids are growing.. so its off the the stores to buy larger clothes, and pack up the items that no longer fit. Church's are already planning Christmas programs, new Sunday School classes and new classes for us adults too. We belong to one church but find ourselves also active in a church that is closer to home that offers Wednesday night programs for the children too. We are putting away things that are cluttering up the house and reorganizing today. We are still fixing the hole in the ceiling for the third time because the air conditioner has decided to leak somehow. (we will accept all the prayers for that one if you can remember us in your thoughts) And also we are trying to survive with good stewardship with all that God gives us. These economic times are hurting so many. Military man and myself have family is big crisis situations. We personally can not save them. We have been praying so earnestly for them. If you find yourself also in need of prayer, drop me a line and I will include you by name in our prayers too. So until then, take care of yourself and thanks for reading. I will be back very soon.
This is Girl Schmuck signing off.