Before the day starts and gets any more complicated I need to say my prayers. My mind has got "forty-leven" (grandma word) things it wants done and keeps pinging me with more. If I tried to actually say my prayers, I would get to "Dear God", and then remember the laundry needs done. So I try again. Dear God.... need to clean the guest bathroom for company coming over tonight.
So I am going to sit right here and write them out. My mind can't wander when my fingers are busy. Promise you that is the truth. They even hand out play dough at corporate meetings now so the attendees will be able to listen with much more retention. Your more than welcome to read along or join in. This is just the way I have to do it sometimes. I think God is just glad to hear from me.
"Oh Good morning God. There is a busy-ness in the air today for me and I need to get my priority's in order. You God, are first. You are first in my life, my marriage and my daily needs. You are the reason my life is right and blessed. You God are in the drivers seat and I am trying real hard not to be the back seat driver but just enjoying the ride. Lord, forgive me. Let my heart be soft and pliable and let my mind be teachable. Forgive me for trying to live without you. Thank you for hubby's hugs and help each and every day. Thank you for watching over all the family and friends I have and keeping them protected under your wings. Lord today is a day I can bring glory to your name with my actions, words and thoughts. Or I can walk away and tell you "I got this" only to end up with mud on my face again. Lord God of my heart, help me release my pride. Its OK to let YOU be in control. Scary, but its OK. When I allow you to see the hurt, release the pain to your hands, work on the unforgiveness that is separating us, then I can come closer and feel your warmth. Oh precious and Loving God I need your warmth today. I need to feel the stress let go of my bones and seep out of me. Alcohol is temporary and dangerous when used to medicate.. help me stay away from that big pot hole. I think we have covered that area in my life pretty good. I love your good medication. Your words have brought tears of cleansing and washing away of the brokenness. I need to be filled with your Holy Spirit today. I need to make some decisions. I always have choices. I love the sweet directions of your helping Spirit who gives when I ask to make good choices. Thank you God for loving me. Thank you for allowing me to pray with you and allow me to always speak the truth. Why would I try to lie to you God? You already know my heart and the truth. Its so healing to have these wonderful conversations. This is how you designed us... to seek you.. to want a relationship with you. I am seeking, knocking and watching for you to show up in every day, every situation. Allow me to meditate on your scripture and to remember how you have come through in the past. Yes you are the good medicine I need today. I love being healthier every day. I love clearing my head and putting you first. Thank you God. I am feeling so much love now. Amen"
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