Look what I bought

My friend  Dotti once said," Always go to  yard sales in better neighborhoods that the one you live in." Well I have tried that and sometimes you score and sometimes you don't. Lets face it, rich people have the same kind of junk we do its just the expensive name brand one they are selling.  I love a good flea market. Yard sales are ok, but I am more into consignment stores. Twice a year my neighborhood has a huge yard sale. The idea is if you have many people selling you will draw the bigger crowd. So this year I put the kid in the red wagon and set out. I found a garden tiller. I wanted the garden tiller, Until I walked down the street and found this:

Its a wine refrigerator. But this isn't going to hold just wine. Heck it might only have one wine bottle in the darn thing for over  a year. I am not that big of a wine drinker anymore. Diabetes does that to a person. Really stinks. Nope this is now the kids cooler.

Ever come around the corner to the kitchen to find your kids standing in front of the refrig wide open, looking for something to drink??? You let out a yell, "Close the refrigerator, your wasting electricity!!!"
Well no more. My kids can't have my superpowers of being able to tell you exactly were everything is at any given moment in the refrigerator. And they for some strange reason can't use their hands to MOVE something to find the juice hiding behind the mayo. So they stand there.
Now they can go to their own kids cooler, LOOK THROUGH the glass BEFORE they open the door and see the item they want. WHY don't they make refrigerators with glass doors like at the grocery store??
Anyways, they are trained to be independant. I love a kid that can get their own juice, pour their own juice, clean up their spillage and put it all away too.

In our house, cups, juice, paper towels for clean up are all at kid level in the kitchen. Get it yourself. Or as my momma told me, "help yourselfy" (no that is not a typo)
This is Girl Schmuck signing off

1 comment:

  1. Well, girlfriend, you may have found the treasure of all treasures there in that kid cooler. Love the idea of a glass door on our big people fridges. I know how that can be when the kiddoes (and hubby) just open the door and wait for the item they need to magically appear or something. I, too, love yard/garage sales. I love thrift stores, consignment stores, rummage sales, oh hey, I just love the hunt. I love treasures. I love to find trinkets etc for my friends too. You are one of my God finds dear friend. Happy hunting you and the kiddoes. Love ya Aim!
