Blueberry muffins, cobbler and more Blueberries

I went a bit overboard with picking blueberries this spring. I just love plucking the little ripe berry only to find the next one even bigger. I ate a lot of berries in the process of picking them.  We had great plans, ok, I had mountain top ideas of using them in smoothies, desserts, homemade ice cream, cobblers, and even salad dressing. The salad dressing came out wonderful. But I still ended up with over 20 pounds of berries in my freezer, and another 10 more in my neighbors freezer.

I have decided to downsize. I want to use up all the stuff in our deep freeze and just live on the other two freezers. OTHER TWO.. I know, I have a shopping addiction. Some women shop for shoes, or clothes, I love to spend time in the frozen food dept. So back to the simplified life. We have been eating up the stuff in the freezer and so I decided to make some blueberry desserts yesterday while I waited for the pest control guy to come take care of my carpenter ants. That's another story for another day.

So I found my  BIG muffin recipe. I call it the BIG muffin recipe because it starts with 18 cups of flour. No that was not a typo... yes, 18 cups. The actual recipe is called ABC muffin recipe because you make the dry ingredients and then put 5 cups dry mix in a jar and directions for the wet ingredients and you can add anything from Apples to zucchini (hence, ABC) and any thing in between, and you give the jar as a gift.  So I made 2 batches of 24 muffins and that used up a whopping 4 cups of berries. UGH.. So I decided I needed a pie too. Pies are good, If you use a recipe.

I didn't need a recipe, I have made hundred of pies. Ok, maybe 10 in my lifetime, that is about 2.5 every 10 years. Military Man is the person who bakes. He grew up with a whole bunch of kids, cousins and family and a mother who baked a pie for each kid. That is nine kids, and nine pies at Christmas, Thanksgiving and that doesn't include cookies and candy. But I digress, actually I digress alot, get use to it.
So I have a cooking degree, I can whip up the pie right? Open the box and unroll the pie crust. Easy as pie. Wow. I am doing great. Dump some flour and cornstarch and berries in a bowl and mix them up, throw them in the pie plate, top with second crust and pop into the oven. Guess what I forgot.??? The sugar. I forgot to sweeten the berries. But really how bad could it be, blueberries are sweet right? That's why we love them right?  But I can admit when I have made a mistake (which is why I write on the blog, because I make a lot of mistakes and like to laugh at myself) I called Military Man and told him about my little boo boo.  He was as sweet a sugar about it and suggested that I dump the cooked pie in a larger pan, add a whole bunch more berries since we want to use them up anyways and about two cups of sugar. Mush that all up and throw it back in the oven and we have one large blue berry cobbler.
Well I am here to report it came out so good. We even ate it for breakfast. Well Military Man ate it for breakfast, I just had coffee and a blueberry bagel. Oh and that whole idea about cleaning out my freezer, well now I have a lot of blueberry muffins in the freezer along with a huge amount of berries just waiting for my next blueberry experiment.  This is Girl Schmuck signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that Amy - gave me a giggle this evening! I'm glad I'm not the only one who can make mistakes in the kitchen!!!!
